Instruction Manual for the Moon ©1989, 2-5/8 x 4-1/4 x 2 inches open. Brass, formica, found objects, fabricated. The cover is brass, with riveted on found objects. The silvery looking house is a camera lens from a cheap camera found at a thrift store. This book was included in Shereen LaPlantz's "Cover to Cover." This little book is part of a series of three, this is the the orginal one, the second is here, the third here. Not for sale. Scroll down for more views.
The pages are black formica. At the center of the white watch date dial is a tiny nut and bolt, holding a moon in place on the other side. I domed the end of the nut a little, like a rivet, so it wouldn't fall out over time.
These are my favorite pages. That's a tiny electronic component from a toy on the right, odd wires, and watch parts.
The striped object on the left is part of a candy or snack wrapper. It's held down by what I think is an inexpensive camera viewfinder riveted to the page.