zero to twelve, ©2007 4 x 2.5 x 3.5 inches (closed). Plexiglass, galvanized metal, copper, brass, found objects, fabricated. Coptic bound with waxed cotton cord. The transparent plexiglass is lightly sanded with used 600 grit wet or dry sandpaper, to make it translucent. The numbers are cut out of copper with a jeweler's saw. Objects are attached with rivets, tiny nuts and bolts and liquid nails. This is an icon to my childhood. Everything in it has some kind of personal meaning to me. Here is a blog post about childhood memories as inspiration. Not for sale at the moment - I like to keep things around for awhile so I can enter them in shows. Eventually I will put a price on this book. You can email me at artATjudithhoffmanDOTnet if you want to be notified when it goes on sale. Scroll down for more views.
I was born in Ohio, where there are cicadas every summer. The little window has a photo of deciduous trees, which I have always felt a strong kinship for. The window is a camera viewfinder, held in place with two little copper straps rivets to the page. The galvanized metal pages are colored with a blue permanent marker. Ink is scribbled in a small area and rubbed with kleenex while it is still wet.
Naturally I loved comic books, and Daniel Boone was one of my heros. I was also fascinated by dinosaurs, and still am. The halo around Daniel Boone is from my pile of scrap pieces of metal. I cut two house shaped pieces of metal for each page. This way I could attach the objects with rivets and nuts wherever I wanted them without considering the reverse of the page. When they were all assembled, I riveted each pair of pages together, back to back.
Christmas rituals play a big part in my family. The deputy sherrif's badge refers stars in the sky and on Christmas trees, also playing cowboys and Indians. I have always been amazed by the stars and briefly wanted to be an astronomer. I wanted to be a cowgirl for years, and had a wonderful cowgirl outfit when I was about ten.
My dad was a career army officer (the little bar with two stars). The fish refers to my dream of being a biologist and studying pond life. I thought it would be the best job in the world to wade around in a pond all day, looking at insects and frogs. The compass and the dice refer to how odd it seems to me to be living in California, through a random chain of events.