Embellish the pages:There are a number of ways to embellish the pages. Copper wire can be used to attach small objects. You can drill small holes in some objects and through your page. A twist in the wire on both sides of the page holds the object in place. The twisted wire ends can be flat or stand up to add texture.Sewing objects on with the 24 gauge wire is also possible. For objects that are too hard or too fragile to drill holes in, you can often drill through the page in strategic places and hold the object in place with wire. Use a #60 drill bit and 24 gauge copper wire for these techniques. |
SAFETY NOTE: some materials give off fumes or dangerous dust when drilled. Use a mask and ventilation, and never drill plastic that smells like itís burning. Very soft plastics can't be drilled because they do melt.
Your pages could also be painted with the proper preparation, or have things glued on. Before painting the metal needs to be perfectly clean. Use the wet or dry sandpaper to sand the surface thoroughly. When water sheets off, it's clean. Don't touch the clean metal with your fingers. Allow to dry. Air drying is best, but for this quick project, you can dry it with a clean paper towel. To paint on the surface apply two coats of gesso first. To attach things with glue, clean the metal as for painting. You can make a simple staple with 16 gauge brass wire. Use it to hold objects to the page. Cut the wire slightly longer than you expect to need (you loose a little length as you bend it) Drill holes with the #52 drill bit to attach things with this staple. Using needle nosed pliers, bend the staple legs to right angles from the main part. Slip them through the holes and hammer them down. |
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